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Exploring Appropriate Usage And Synonyms

Is "I Have One More Question" Correct English?

Exploring Appropriate Usage and Synonyms

Gramatically Correct and Usable Phrase

The phrase "I have one more question" is grammatically correct and widely used in spoken and written English. It serves to indicate a desire for further information or clarification at the end of a statement or conversation.

Appropriate Usage

This phrase is appropriate when you need to ask an additional question or request more details after an exchange has already taken place. It is commonly used in various settings, such as:

  • Interviews
  • Meetings
  • Conversations
  • Online forums

Synonyms and Alternative Phrases

While "I have one more question" is a common way to express this sentiment, there are several synonyms and alternative phrases that you can consider:

  1. Could you please clarify?
  2. I'm not sure if I understand, can you elaborate?
  3. Just one more thing I'd like to ask
  4. Excuse me, but I have an additional inquiry
  5. I'd like to ask one more question if that's okay


The phrase "I have one more question" is a grammatically correct and widely used expression in written and spoken English. It is an appropriate way to ask for additional information or clarification at the end of a conversation. However, there are also several synonyms and alternative phrases that you can use to convey the same message.
